I want to charge us about something that we do every time, every seconds and every minute of our life, and that's *CHOICE*
After God created my in the garden of Eden, he gave them two choices. He told them that they shouldnt eat of a particular fruit in the garden, and that the day they eat of it, they will die.
It's now their responsibility to choose whatever they want, that's their choice
God gave the earth to man to subdue it, to dominate over it, to have dominion over everything, but man made the wrong choice of going against the commandment of God that fateful day
The reason why you are here on earth is for a reason, it's to fill in a gap, it's to stand in a gap for the things of God in your generation but you have your choice to make
Truly, prophecy as went ahead of you that you will be great, you will be this, you will be that and all you are doing is sleeping, eating,merrying,and you are saying dey have prophesied that i will be great watch your choice.
You see, one thing and one thing that God can never and will never do, as big and mighty as he is, is to force his choice on us
No sir, God will never do that
It's by your hand that you fulfil your destiny
Genesis 2:16-17
*KJV:And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, Of* *every tree of the *garden thou *mayest freely eat* :
*KJV:But of the tree* *of the knowledge of good* *and* *evil* , *thou* *shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die* .
Like i said earlier, we have to make choice every now and then.
The choice you make will decide if you will be alive or dead, literally...
God created man so that he can subdue the earth
Psalms 8:6
KJV:Thou madest him to have dominion over the works of thy hands; thou hast put all things under his feet:
And in Genesis 3,we see the drama that happened between the woman and the serpent
And the woman made a *choice* of eating the fruit which God commanded them not to eat
And the man made a *choice* to eat the fruit from the hand of the woman which God commanded them that dey should not eat
*You see, whatever choice a man made* .
Some things we need to know before i conclude
*1) curiosity to break rule*:- one thing in man when given two choices is the curiosity to break one and see the end result, just like what happened to Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden
*2) the light gives life and the darkness gives death*:-a driver behind the wheels will understand what it's take to make choice as he drive per time, the choices he make can either bring life or death
*3) whoever wins your heart (God/Satan) will determine your life and destiny*:- since we have the choice to choose between the two, the one will choose will determine how our life and destiny will be
*4) think well and deep before you make your choice*
I will conclude with this, choose Jesus!!
Can I repeat this??
*Make the Bible your life compass* .
*Jesus Christ is the victorious, glory* !!
You know you're here, you are yet to give your life to Jesus Christ, you are still eating, drinking, sleeping and living in sin.
Jesus Christ is here tonight, he can save you and make you whole again